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Remote Development

VS Code in the browser

Deploy code-server to use VS Code remotely in a browser.

Install code-server on Bianbu:

sudo apt-get install code-server

Run code-server,replacing IP with your machine's IP address:

code-server --host IP --port PORT

Note that if IP is not specified, it defaults to localhost and can only be accessed from the local browser. PORT is usually optional. When you see the following information, it means code-server has started successfully.

info HTTP server listening on http://IP:PORT/
info Session server listening on ~/.local/share/code-server/code-server-ipc.sock

Open a browser on any computer or tablet and visit http://IP:PORT to open remote folders and files.


Known issues:

  • Not all extensions work properly

VSCodium Open Remote - SSH

VSCodium is an open-source version of VS Code. The extension Open Remote - SSH supports remote development.

  1. Install VSCodium, refer to the official guide
  2. Open VSCodium, go to the extensions page, search for Open Remote - SSH, and install it.
  3. Open the remote explorer to connect to an SSH Target.
  4. Once connected, you can open remote folders and files.