ISP API Development Guide
SDK API Interface Description
This section introduces the usage of ISP module APIs. The described APIs are ISP SDK APIs for applications, divided into system control APIs, image effect setting APIs, and tuning-related APIs. It explains the relevant parameter data structures, error codes, and return values in detail. It is mainly aimed at tuning and algorithm engineers related to ISP effects, as well as application engineers developing image-related setting functions.
System Control API
The system control APIs are as follows:
- ASR_ISP_Construct: Construct the ISP pipeline context environment interface.
- ASR_ISP_Destruct: Destruct the ISP pipeline context environment interface.
- ASR_ISP_GetFwFrameInfoSize(): Get the size of the ISP firmware frameinfo structure interface.
- ASR_ISP_RegSensorCallBack: Register the sensor callback function to the ISP pipeline interface.
- ASR_ISP_UnRegSensorCallBack: Unregister the sensor callback function from the ISP pipeline interface.
- ASR_ISP_RegAfMotorCallBack: Register the sensor motor callback function to the ISP pipeline interface.
- ASR_ISP_EnableOfflineMode: Enable the offline mode of the ISP pipeline interface.
- ASR_ISP_SetPubAttr: Set the public attributes of the ISP pipeline interface.
- ASR_ISP_SetTuningParams: Set the tuning-related parameters of the ISP pipeline interface.
- ASR_ISP_SetChHwPipeID: Set the real hardware pipe ID of the ISP pipeline channel interface.
- ASR_ISP_Init: Initialize the ISP pipeline.
- ASR_ISP_DeInit: Deinitialize the ISP pipeline.
- ASR_ISP_EnablePDAF: Enable the PDAF of the ISP pipeline.
- ASR_ISP_SetFps: Set the frame rate of the sensor/ISP working on the pipeline.
- ASR_ISP_SetFrameinfoCallback: Set the frameinfo callback of the ISP pipeline.
- ASR_ISP_QueueFrameinfoBuffer: Queue the frameinfo buffer of the ISP pipeline.
- ASR_ISP_FlushFrameinfoBuffer: Clear the frameinfo buffer on the ISP pipeline.
- ASR_ISP_Streamon: Streamon the ISP pipeline.
- ASR_ISP_Streamoff: Streamoff the ISP pipeline.
- ASR_ISP_TriggerRawCapture: Trigger the ISP pipeline to perform the Raw capture process.
- ASR_ISP_ReInitPreviewChannel: Reinitialize the preview channel.
- ASR_ISP_NotifyOnceHDRRawCapture: Notify the ISP pipeline to enter a single HDR Raw capture process.
- ASR_ISP_UpdateNoneZslStreamAeParams: Update the AE parameters related to the sensor.
Construct the ISP pipeline context environment.
int ASR_ISP_Construct(uint32_t pipelineID);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h
- Library file:
- As described in 2.2.1, the input parameter pipelineID describes a virtual pipeline corresponding to the ISP firmware. One pipelineID corresponds to one firmware.
Destruct the ISP pipeline context environment.
int ASR_ISP_Destruct(uint32_t pipelineID);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h
- Library file:
Get the size of the ISP Firmware frameinfo structure.
int ASR_ISP_GetFwFrameInfoSize();
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
>0 | Structure size |
<0 | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h
- Library file:
Register the sensor callback function to the ISP pipeline.
Int ASR_ISP_RegSensorCallBack(uint32_t pipelineID, ISP_SENSOR_ATTR_S *pstSensorInfo, ISP_SENSOR_REGISTER_S *pstRegister);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
pstSensorInfo | Attributes of the registered sensor | Input |
pstRegister | Pointer to the structure of the registered sensor callback function | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_sensor_comm.h
- Library file:,
Unregister the sensor callback function from the ISP pipeline.
Int ASR_ISP_UnRegSensorCallBack(uint32_t pipelineID, ISP_SENSOR_ATTR_S *pstSensorInfo);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
pstSensorInfo | Attributes of the registered sensor | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_sensor_comm.h
- Library file:
Register the sensor motor callback function to the ISP pipeline.
Int ASR_ISP_RegAfMotorCallBack(uint32_t pipelineID, ISP_AF_MOTOR_REGISTER_S *pstAfRegister);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
pstAfRegister | Pointer to the structure of the registered sensor motor callback function | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_sensor_comm.h
- Library file:
Enable the offline mode of the ISP pipeline interface. Enabling offline mode means that the input stream of the ISP comes from DDR instead of the sensor, and the VI module reads data from DDR.
Int ASR_ISP_EnableOfflineMode(uint32_t pipelineID, uint32_t enable, const ISP_OFFLINE_ATTR_S *pstOfflineAttr);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
enable | Enable/disable offline mode | Input |
pstOfflineAttr | Pointer to the structure of offline mode attributes | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_comm.h
- Library file:
- When enabling offline mode, the callbacks of the sensor and motor do not need to be registered. Even if registered, the ISP will not use them.
- The processing of the offline pipeline in special capture scenarios does not need to use this function.
Set the public attributes of the ISP pipeline channel.
int ASR_ISP_SetPubAttr(uint32_t pipelineID, uint32_t channelID, const ISP_PUB_ATTR_S *pstPubAttr);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
channelID | ISP pipeline channel ID | Input |
pstPubAttr | Pointer to the structure of ISP pipeline public attributes | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_comm.h
- Library file:
Set the tuning-related attributes of the ISP pipeline. To support algorithm development and debugging, the tuning parameters initialized by the ISP are determined by two parts:
- First, get the settings from the sensor (convert the pre-tuned file into code);
- If this interface tells the ISP that there is a tuning file, the ISP will prioritize this file and override the previously set parameters; otherwise, it will not perform any operations.
int ASR_ISP_SetTuningParams(uint32_t pipelineID, ISP_TUNING_ATTRS_S *pstTuningAttr);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
pstTuningAttr | Pointer to the structure of ISP pipeline tuning attributes | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_comm.h
- Library file:
- Before calling this interface, ASR_ISP_RegSensorCallBack or ASR_ISP_EnableOfflineMode needs to be called first.
Set the actual working hardware pipe ID of the ISP pipeline channel.
int ASR_ISP_SetChHwPipeID(uint32_t pipelineID, uint32_t channelID, uint32_t hwPipeID);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
channelID | ISP pipeline channel ID | Input |
hwPipeID | Actual hardware pipe ID | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_comm.h
- Library file:
- This interface should be called before ASR_ISP_Init; otherwise, the ISP channel will start running with the default channel ID (hardware pipe0).
- Refer to the description in section 2.2.1, the input parameter pipelineID corresponds to the ISP firmware, channelID corresponds to the working mode preview or capture, and hwPipeID corresponds to the ISP hardware pipelineID. For special capture scenarios, a set of firmware can manage two hardware pipelines working in different modes, ensuring that the image effects of the two hardware pipelines are consistent.
Initialize the ISP pipeline with the previously set parameters. After initialization, all parameters of the first frame are ready. In principle, it is not recommended to set initialization parameters after this interface, as they will not take effect in the first frame but will take effect in the second frame.
int ASR_ISP_Init(uint32_t pipelineID);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_comm.h
- Library file:
Deinitialize the ISP pipeline, clearing all effect parameters set on the pipeline. Registered callbacks will not be cleared.
int ASR_ISP_DeInit(uint32_t pipelineID);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_comm.h
- Library file:
Enable/disable the PDAF function of the ISP pipeline.
int ASR_ISP_EnablePDAF(uint32_t pipelineID, uint32_t enable);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
enable | Flag to enable or disable PDAF | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_comm.h
- Library file:
- Must be called after ASR_ISP_Init.
Set the frame rate of the ISP pipeline. The ISP supports dynamic frame rates. If you need to run at a specific frame rate, set fminFps and fmaxFps to the same value. This interface can be set before ASR_ISP_Init or during ISP operation. If set before, the first frame will run at the set frame rate.
int ASR_ISP_SetFps(uint32_t pipelineID, float fminFps, float fmaxFps);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
fminFps | Minimum frame rate | Input |
fmaxFps | Maximum frame rate | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_comm.h
- Library file:
Set the callback function to get frameinfo notifications from the ISP pipeline. The ISP sends the frameinfo to the user through this callback when updating each frame's frameinfo.
int ASR_ISP_SetFrameinfoCallback(uint32_t pipelineID, GetFrameInfoCallBack callback);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
callback | Callback function for user to get frameinfo | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_comm.h
- Library file:
Queue the frameinfo buffer of the ISP pipeline. The ISP internally uses the frameinfo buffer in a queue, first in, first out.
int ASR_ISP_QueueFrameinfoBuffer(uint32_t pipelineID, IMAGE_BUFFER_S *pFrameInfoBuf);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
pFrameInfoBuf | FrameInfo buffer | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, cam_module_interface.h
- Library file:
- The input parameter pFrameInfoBuf pointer will be directly used by the SDK. Therefore, the application layer should ensure that the memory space pointed to by this pointer cannot be released until the registered callback function is called.
Clear the frameinfo buffer queue on the ISP pipeline. The cleared buffer is returned through the set callback.
int ASR_ISP_FlushFrameinfoBuffer(uint32_t pipelineID);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_comm.h
- Library file:
- Do not queue the flushed buffer again, as it may cause deadlock issues.
Run the ISP pipeline. The sensor's streamon should be after this interface.
int ASR_ISP_Streamon(uint32_t pipelineID);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_comm.h
- Library file:
- Must be called after ASR_ISP_Init.
- Do not turn on the sensor before this.
Stop the ISP pipeline.
int ASR_ISP_Streamoff(uint32_t pipelineID);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, spm_isp_comm.h
- Library file:
- Must be called after ASR_ISP_Streamon.
Trigger the ISP pipeline to perform a special capture process. If a capture is currently in progress, the trigger will fail.
int ASR_ISP_TriggerRawCapture(uint32_t pipelineID, IMAGE_BUFFER_S *pFrameInfoBuf, uint32_t hdrCapture);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
pFrameInfoBuf | Frameinfo buffer corresponding to the current RAW image. This frameinfo should be the same as the frameinfo of the preview frame during capture; otherwise, the image quality of the capture may differ from the preview. | Input |
hdrCapture | Flag indicating whether it is an HDR capture. The system currently only supports HDR capture in the RAW domain. | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, cam_module_interface.h
- Library file:
- This interface can only be called during ISP operation.
Reinitialize the preview channel of the ISP pipeline. In some scenarios, the preview of a pipeline will be stopped to reuse the hardware pipe. When restoring the preview, this interface needs to be called to ensure consistent image effects before and after the stream interruption.
int ASR_ISP_ReInitPreviewChannel(uint32_t pipelineID, IMAGE_BUFFER_S *pFrameInfoBuf);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
pFrameInfoBuf | Frameinfo buffer for restoring the scene | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, cam_module_interface.h
- Library file:
Notify the ISP pipeline to perform a single HDR Raw capture process. The ISP returns the first valid Raw frame ID of the HDR. Currently, the order of HDR Raw images is normal exposure, long exposure, and short exposure.
int ASR_ISP_NotifyOnceHDRRawCapture(uint32_t pipelineID, uint32_t ZSLCapture, int32_t *startFrameID);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
ZSLCapture | Flag indicating whether it is a ZSL HDR capture | Input |
startFrameID | Pointer to store the first valid HDR Raw frame ID | Output |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h
- Library file:
- This interface can only be called during ISP operation.
Update the AE parameters related to the sensor on the ISP pipeline. This interface is only useful when the pipeline is re-streamed after being stopped, to maintain the sensor's state consistency before and after the stream interruption.
int ASR_ISP_UpdateNoneZslStreamAeParams(uint32_t pipelineID, IMAGE_BUFFER_S *pFrameInfoBuf, int backPreview, int updateSnsReg);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
pFrameInfoBuf | Frameinfo corresponding to the state to be updated | Input |
backPreview | Flag indicating whether to switch to preview | Input |
updateSnsReg | Flag indicating whether to update the sensor's AE register. If the sensor is reconfigured, this flag needs to be enabled; otherwise, it may not be needed. | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h, cam_module_interface.h
- Library file:
Image Effect Setting API
This section describes the APIs used to help users set some image effect-related settings. In this software, image effect settings are used in the form of commands, and these commands are provided to the outside through a unified interface API:
- ASR_ISP_SetEffectParams: Set the effect parameters of the ISP pipeline interface.
The effect commands supported by the ISP are as follows:
Set the image effect parameters of the ISP.
int ASR_ISP_SetEffectParams(uint32_t pipelineID, uint32_t effectCmd, void *pData, int dataSize);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
effectCmd | Effect parameter command | Input |
pData | Pointer to the structure of this effect parameter | Input |
dataSize | Size of this effect parameter structure | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h
- Library file:
Effect Command Introduction
Set the image exposure mode command. The corresponding parameter type is the structure asrISP_AE_INFO_S.
Set the image white balance mode command. The corresponding parameter type is the structure asrISP_AWB_INFO_S.
Set the image focus mode command. The corresponding parameter type is the structure asrISP_AF_INFO_S.
Trigger the image focus command. The corresponding parameter type is int32_t, where 1 means trigger and 0 means cancel.
Set the image flicker mode command. The corresponding parameter type is int32_t, and the value is defined by the enumeration asrISP_ANTIFLICKER_MODE_E.
Set the image lens shading mode command. The corresponding parameter type is the structure asrISP_LSC_INFO_S.
Set the image CCM mode command. The corresponding parameter type is the structure asrISP_CCM_INFO_S.
Set the image exposure compensation mode command. The corresponding parameter type is int32_t, and the value currently supports [-6, 6].
Set the image metering mode command. The corresponding parameter type is the structure asrISP_METERING_INFO_S.
Set the image zoom ratio command. The corresponding parameter type is int32_t, and the unit is Q8.
Set the image ISO mode command. The corresponding parameter type is the structure asrISP_SENSITIVITY_INFO_S, supporting auto and manual modes.
Set the image sensor exposure mode command. The difference between this command and ISP_EFFECT_CMD_S_AE_MODE is that this command can only set exposure information, while the latter can set both exposure and gain information. The corresponding parameter type is the structure asrISP_SENSOR_EXPOSURE_INFO_S, supporting auto and manual modes.
The relationship between these two commands and ISP_EFFECT_CMD_S_SENSITIVITY_MODE is shown in the table below.
As shown in the table, SENSITIVITY_MODE_MANUAL is to fix the gain in Auto Exposure mode, and the exposure is automatically calculated by the algorithm according to the scene; while SENSOR_EXPOSURE_MODE_MANUAL is to fix the exposure time in Auto Exposure mode, and the gain is automatically calculated by the algorithm according to the scene.
Trigger the algorithm AE quick convergence command. The corresponding parameter type is int32_t, where 1 means trigger and 0 means cancel. This command will only trigger once, and the algorithm will clear this state after AE quick convergence, generally used in touch scenarios.
Set the value of the ISP exposure compensation step. The corresponding parameter type is float. After setting, the exposure compensation is adjusted according to this step each time, and the default value is 1/3.
Set the ISP AE scene mode. The corresponding parameter type is int32_t, and the value is defined by the enumeration asrISP_AE_SCENE_MODE_E. The ISP supports normal and face modes. In face mode, the AE convergence speed is faster than in normal mode.
Set the ISP color filter mode. The corresponding parameter type is int32_t, and the value is defined by the enumeration asrISP_COLOR_FILTER_MODE_E. Currently, it supports normal and black and white modes, and the default is normal mode.
Set the YUV range of the ISP. The corresponding parameter type is int32_t, and the value is defined by the enumeration asrISP_YUV_RANGE_E. Currently, it supports full (y:0255, uv:0255) and compress (y:16235, uv:16240) modes.
Set the ISP solid color mode. The corresponding parameter type is int32_t, and the value is defined by the enumeration asrISP_SOLID_COLOR_MODE_E. Currently, only the pure black mode is supported, and this mode is turned off by default.
Get the current AF mode command of the ISP. The corresponding parameter type is the structure asrISP_AF_INFO_S.
Get the current antiflicker mode command of the ISP. The corresponding parameter type is int32_t, and the value is defined by the enumeration asrISP_ANTIFLICKER_MODE_E.
Get the current metering mode command of the ISP. The corresponding parameter type is the structure asrISP_METERING_INFO_S.
Get the range of the focus motor movement (minimum and maximum values). The corresponding parameter type is the structure asrISP_RANGE_S.
Get the current AE mode of the ISP. The corresponding parameter type is the structure ISP_AE_INFO_S.
Get the current AWB mode of the ISP. The corresponding parameter type is the structure ISP_AWB_INFO_S.
Tuning-related API
This section describes the APIs used to help tuning engineers adjust more specific and detailed parameters. The tuning tools released by ASR also use the APIs related to this section.
The tuning-related APIs are as follows:
- ASR_ISP_SetFwPara: Set the parameters of the ISP pipeline firmware.
- ASR_ISP_GetFWPara: Get the parameters of the ISP pipeline firmware.
- ASR_ISP_SetRegister: Set the value of the specified register.
- ASR_ISP_GetRegister: Get the value of the specified register.
- ASR_ISP_LoadSettingFile: Load the setting file of the ISP pipeline firmware.
- ASR_ISP_SaveSettingFile: Save the setting file of the ISP pipeline firmware.
Set the ISP firmware parameters.
int ASR_ISP_SetFwPara(uint32_t pipelineID, const char *parameter, const char *name, uint32_t row, uint32_t column, int value);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
parameter | ISP submodule name | Input |
name | Parameter name | Input |
row | Row number | Input |
column | Column number | Input |
value | Value | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h
- Library file:
[Note] None
Get the ISP firmware parameters.
int ASR_ISP_GetFWPara(uint32_t pipelineID, const char *parameter, const char *name, uint32_t row, uint32_t column, int *pValue);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
parameter | ISP submodule name | Input |
name | Parameter name | Input |
row | Row number | Input |
column | Column number | Input |
value | Value | Output |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
-1 | Input check error |
0 | Cannot find the specified parameter |
>0 | Success, returns the number of obtained values |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h
- Library file:
[Note] None
Set the value of the specified register.
int ASR_ISP_SetRegister(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value, uint32_t mask);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
addr | Register address | Input |
value | Register value | Input |
mask | Register mask | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h
- Library file:
[Note] None
Get the value of the specified register.
int ASR_ISP_GetRegister(uint32_t addr, int *pValue);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
addr | Register address | Input |
pValue | Register value | Output |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h
- Library file:
[Note] None
Load the ISP firmware setting file.
int ASR_ISP_LoadSettingFile(uint32_t pipelineID, const char *pFileName);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
pFileName | Parameter file name, including the absolute path | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h
- Library file:
[Note] None
Save the ISP firmware setting file.
int ASR_ISP_SaveSettingFile(uint32_t pipelineID, const char *pFileName);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
pipelineID | ISP pipeline ID | Input |
pFileName | Parameter file name, including the absolute path | Input |
[Return Value]
Parameter Name | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_cam_isp.h
- Library file:
[Note] None
Main API Usage Process
This section mainly describes the usage process of the system control API, which is divided into the following stages: construction, registration, setting, initialization, streamon, streamoff, deinitialization, and destruction.
The first step is to construct the context environment of the ISP pipeline;
The second step is registration, registering the sensor callback function, focus motor callback function, and frameinfo callback function to the ISP pipeline;
The third step is setting, setting the public attributes of the ISP pipeline, tuning-related attributes, the actual working hardware pipe ID of the channel, frame rate, whether to enable offline mode, and frameinfo buffer queue;
The fourth step is initialization, initializing the ISP pipeline based on the information set in the previous steps;
The fifth step is to streamon the ISP pipeline and enter the working state.
If you want to stop and exit the ISP, proceed to the sixth step, streamoff the ISP pipeline, and exit the working state;
The seventh step is deinitialization, clearing the set parameters and other information except for the previously registered callbacks;
The eighth step is to destruct the context environment of the ISP pipeline.
The specific process is shown in Figure 3-1. The above process is for the pipeline. The ISP software can support two pipelines working together at the same time. If you need to start another pipeline, the process is similar, but you need to pay attention to the actual working hardware pipe ID, as it may be reused.
Data Types
Error Codes
Error Code | Macro Definition | Description |
-22 | ASR_ERR_ISP_ILLEGAL_PARAM | Illegal parameter |
-17 | ASR_ERR_ISP_EXIST | Resource already exists |
-19 | ASR_ERR_ISP_NOTEXIST | Resource does not exist |
-22 | ASR_ERR_ISP_NULL_PTR | Null pointer |
-1 | ASR_ERR_ISP_NOT_SUPPORT | Operation not supported |
-1 | ASR_ERR_ISP_NOT_PERM | Operation not allowed |
-12 | ASR_ERR_ISP_NOMEM | Insufficient memory |
-14 | ASR_ERR_ISP_BADADDR | Invalid address |
-16 | ASR_ERR_ISP_BUSY | System is busy |
This section introduces the usage of ASR MARS11-ISP VI module APIs. The described APIs are VI SDK APIs for applications and explain the relevant parameter data structures and return values in detail.
The VI module provides the following APIs:
- ASR_VI_SetDevAttr: Set the attributes of the VI device.
- ASR_VI_GetDevAttr: Get the attributes of the VI device.
- ASR_VI_EnableDev: Enable the VI device.
- ASR_VI_DisableDev: Disable the VI device.
- ASR_VI_SetChnAttr: Set the attributes of the VI channel.
- ASR_VI_GetChnAttr: Get the attributes of the VI channel.
- ASR_VI_SetCallback: Set the upper layer's callback function to the VI device.
- ASR_VI_EnableChn: Enable the VI channel.
- ASR_VI_DisableChn: Disable the VI channel.
- ASR_VI_Init: Initialize the VI module resources.
- ASR_VI_Deinit: Release the VI module resources.
- ASR_VI_SetBayerReadAttr: Set the attributes for offline reading of Bayer raw.
- ASR_VI_GetBayerReadAttr: Get the attributes for offline reading of Bayer raw.
- ASR_VI_EnableBayerRead: Enable offline Bayer raw reading.
- ASR_VI_DisableBayerRead: Disable offline Bayer raw reading.
- ASR_VI_EnableBayerDump: Enable Bayer Dump.
- ASR_VI_DisableBayerDump: Disable Bayer Dump.
- ASR_VI_ChnQueueBuffer: Queue the buffer to the channel.
Set the attributes of the VI device. The basic device attributes default to some chip configurations, meeting the requirements of most sensor connections.
int32_t ASR_VI_SetDevAttr(uint32_t nDev, VI_DEV_ATTR_S *pstDevAttr);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nDev | VI device number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_DEV_NUM). | Input |
pstDevAttr | Pointer to the VI device attributes. Static attributes. | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
- Changing the binding relationship between the device and the channel is not supported.
- Before calling, ensure that the VI device is in a disabled state. If the VI device is already enabled, you can use ASR_CAM_VI_DisableDev to disable the device.
Get the attributes of the VI device.
int32_t ASR_VI_GetDevAttr(uint32_t nDev, VI_DEV_ATTR_S *pstDevAttr);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nDev | VI device number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_DEV_NUM). | Input |
pstDevAttr | Pointer to the VI device attributes. | Output |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
Enable the VI device.
int32_t ASR_VI_EnableDev(uint32_t nDev);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nDev | VI device number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_DEV_NUM). | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
- The device attributes must be set before enabling; otherwise, it will return failure.
- Repeated enabling is supported and will not return failure.
Disable the VI device.
int32_t ASR_VI_DisableDev(uint32_t nDev);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nDev | VI device number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_DEV_NUM). | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
- All VI channels bound to the VI device must be disabled before disabling the VI device.
- Repeated disabling is supported and will not return failure.
Flush the buffers queued in the VI device.
int32_t ASR_VI_FlushDev(uint32_t nDev);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nDev | VI device number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_DEV_NUM). | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
Set the attributes of the VI channel.
int32_t ASR_VI_SetChnAttr(uint32_t nChn, VI_CHN_ATTR_S *pstAttr);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nChn | VI channel number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_CHN_NUM). | Input |
pstAttr | Pointer to the VI channel attributes. Static attributes. | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
- The device attributes must be set before setting the channel attributes; otherwise, it will return failure.
- The channel must be in a disabled state to set the channel attributes.
Get the attributes of the VI channel.
int32_t ASR_VI_GetChnAttr(uint32_t nChn, VI_CHN_ATTR_S *pstAttr);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nChn | VI channel number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_CHN_NUM). | Input |
pstAttr | Pointer to the VI channel attributes. Static attributes. | Output |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
- The channel attributes must be set before getting the attributes; otherwise, it will return failure.
Enable the VI channel.
int32_t ASR_VI_EnableChn(uint32_t nChn);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nChn | VI channel number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_CHN_NUM). | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
- The channel attributes must be set, and the VI device bound to the channel must be enabled.
- Repeated enabling of the VI channel is supported and will not return failure.
Disable the VI channel.
int32_t ASR_VI_DisableChn(uint32_t nChn);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nChn | VI channel number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_CHN_NUM). | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
- Repeated disabling of the VI channel is supported and will not return failure.
Set the frame buffer rotation callback.
int32_t ASR_VI_SetCallback(uint32_t nChn, int32_t (*callback)(uint32_t nChn, VI_IMAGE_BUFFER_S *vi_buffer));
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nChn | VI channel number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_CHN_NUM). | Input |
callback | Pointer to the callback function | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
- Call before ASR_VI_EnableChn.
Set the attributes for offline processing of raw reading.
int32_t ASR_VI_SetBayerReadAttr(uint32_t nDev, const VI_BAYER_READ_ATTR_S *pstBayerReadAttr);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nDev | VI device number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_DEV_NUM). | Input |
pstBayerReadAttr | Pointer to the Bayer read attributes structure. | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
Get the attributes for offline processing of raw reading.
int32_t ASR_VI_GetBayerReadAttr(uint32_t nDev, const VI_BAYER_READ_ATTR_S *pstBayerReadAttr);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nDev | VI device number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_DEV_NUM). | Input |
pstBayerReadAttr | Pointer to the Bayer read attributes structure. | Output |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
Enable offline processing.
int32_t ASR_VI_EnableBayerRead(uint32_t nDev);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nDev | VI device number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_DEV_NUM). | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
Disable offline processing.
int32_t ASR_VI_DisableBayerRead(uint32_t nDev);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nDev | VI device number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_DEV_NUM). | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
Enable RAW DATA acquisition.
int32_t ASR_VI_EnableBayerDump(uint32_t nDev);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nDev | VI device number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_DEV_NUM). | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
- The width and height of the saved RAW data are consistent with the settings of the DEV.
- The starting channel number of the RAW Dump channel can be obtained through VIU_GET_RAW_CHN.
Disable RAW DATA acquisition.
int32_t ASR_VI_DisableBayerDump(uint32_t nDev);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nDev | VI device number. Range: [0, VIU_MAX_DEV_NUM). | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
Queue the buffer to the channel.
int32_t ASR_VI_ChnQueueBuffer(uint32_t nChn, IMAGE_BUFFER_S *camBuf);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
nChn | VI channel number. Range: [0, VI_CHN_CNT). | Input |
camBuf | Pointer to the buffer | Input |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
- The input parameter camBuf pointer will be directly used by the SDK. Therefore, the application layer should ensure that the memory space pointed to by this pointer cannot be released until the registered callback function is called.
Initialize the VI module.
int32_t ASR_VI_Init(void);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
None |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
Deinitialize the VI module.
int32_t ASR_VI_Deinit(void);
Parameter Name | Description | Input/Output |
None |
[Return Value]
Return Value | Description |
0 | Success |
Non-zero | Failure, value is error code |
- Header file: spm_comm_vi.h, spm_cam_vi.h
- Library file:
Data Types
Define the attributes of the video input device.
typedef struct asrVI_DEV_ATTR_S {
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t bindSensorIdx;
uint32_t mipi_lane_num;
bool bCapture2Preview;
Member Name | Description |
width | The width of the image to be captured by the VI device. The minimum and maximum width of the captured image: [VIU_DEV_MIN_WIDTH, VIU_DEV_MAX_WIDTH] |
height | The height of the image to be captured by the VI device. The minimum and maximum height of the captured image: [VIU_DEV_MIN_HEIGHT, VIU_DEV_MAX_HEIGHT] |
bindSensorIdx | The sensor ID bound to the VI device. [0, 2] |
bOfflineSlice | Whether offline is in capture mode |
mipi_lane_num | The number of lanes of the sensor mipi interface |
bCapture2Preview | Whether it is capture to preview |
Define the attributes of the VI channel.
typedef struct asrVI_CHN_ATTR_S {
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
Member Name | Description |
enPixFormat | Channel output format |
width | Output image width |
height | Output image height |
Define the attributes for offline raw reading.
typedef struct asrVI_BAYER_READ_ATTR_S {
bool bGenTiming;
int32_t s32FrmRate;
Member Name | Description |
bGenTiming | Whether the VI automatically generates a fixed frame rate read timing |
s32FrmRate | If bGenTiming is true, it indicates the frame rate size |
Define the buffer structure in the callback function of the VI channel buffer.
typedef struct asrVI_IMAGE_BUFFER_S {
bool bValid;
bool bCloseDown;
uint64_t timestamp;
uint32_t frameId;
Member Name | Description |
buffer | Pointer to the buffer memory structure |
bValid | Indicates whether the current frame content is valid. If invalid, the upper application should discard the current frame |
bCloseDown | RAW DATA channel specific. Before performing the disable operation on the RAW DATA channel, the bCloseDown signal in the buffer callback needs to be received |
timestamp | Indicates the timestamp of the current frame |
frameId | Indicates the frame number of the current frame, starting from 0 |
Define the channel number for obtaining RAW DATA.
#define VIU_GET_RAW_CHN(ViDev, RawChn) do{
RawChn = VIU_MAX_CHN_NUM + ViDev;
Define the maximum number of VI channels.
Define the maximum number of VI physical channels.
Define the maximum number of RAW DATA channels.
Define the maximum number of video input devices.
#define VIU_MAX_DEV_NUM 2