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Simulation Testing

This chapter mainly introduces the usage details of the model simulation testing tool. Through simulation testing, you can simulate the running situation of the model on the Jidie Shikong chip on the PC side (currently limited to the x86 architecture), so as to quickly verify the function and performance of the model.

1 Tool Introduction

spine simulate provides the model simulation testing function on the PC side (currently limited to the x86 architecture). This function is based on the qemu - riscv64 and x86_64 - riscv64 cross - compilation tools pre-installed in the SDK, supports standard ONNX models and the models quantified by the Jidie Shikong AI deployment tool, and ensures that the inference results are exactly the same as the running results on the chip side.

1.1 Usage Instructions

$ spine simulate -h
usage: spine simulate [-h] [--model_path MODEL_PATH] [--root_path ROOT_PATH] [--test_name TEST_NAME] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--save_output]
[--inputs INPUTS] [--outputs OUTPUTS] [--verbose]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model_path MODEL_PATH, -m MODEL_PATH
model path
--root_path ROOT_PATH, -r ROOT_PATH
root path for test data
--test_name TEST_NAME, -t TEST_NAME
test name
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR
output dir for test data
--save_output, -s save output
--inputs INPUTS, -i INPUTS
input tensor names with shapes(option)
--outputs OUTPUTS, -e OUTPUTS
output tensor names with shapes(option)
--verbose, -v verbose message, option is additive

1.2 Parameter Description

ParameterNecessary/OptionalDefault ValueDescription
-h, --helpOptionalNonePrint the usage instructions
--model_path, -mNecessaryNoneModel path
--root_path, -rNecessaryNoneRoot directory of the test dataset
--test_name, -tNecessaryNoneTest case name
--output_dir, -oOptionalNoneOutput directory of the test data (if not specified, a subdirectory named --test_name will be created under --root_path by default)
--save_output, -sOptionalFalseWhether to save the x86 test output results
--inputs, -iOptionalNoneRe-specify the model input nodes and shapes (optional), format example: input_1[n1,n2],input2[n3,n4],...
--outputs, -eOptionalNoneRe-specify the model output nodes and shapes (optional), format example: input_1[n1,n2],input2[n3,n4],...
--verbose, -vOptional0Enable debugging information

2 Test Data

spine helper test provides the function of creating a standard ONNX test dataset.

2.1 Usage Instructions

$ spine helper test -h
usage: spine helper test [-h] [--model_path MODEL_PATH] [--root_path ROOT_PATH] [--test_name TEST_NAME] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--save_output]
[--inputs INPUTS] [--outputs OUTPUTS] [--verbose] [--count COUNT] [--shape SHAPE]
[--input_names INPUT_NAMES [INPUT_NAMES...]] [--output_names OUTPUT_NAMES [OUTPUT_NAMES...]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model_path MODEL_PATH, -m MODEL_PATH
model path
--root_path ROOT_PATH, -r ROOT_PATH
root path for test data
--test_name TEST_NAME, -t TEST_NAME
test name
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR
output dir for test data
--save_output, -s save output
--inputs INPUTS, -i INPUTS
input tensor names with shapes(option)
--outputs OUTPUTS, -e OUTPUTS
output tensor names with shapes(option)
--verbose, -v verbose message, option is additive
--count COUNT, -c COUNT
test case count
--shape SHAPE, -f SHAPE
shape for dynamic dimension
input names
output names

2.2 Parameter Description

ParameterNecessary/OptionalDefault ValueDescription
-h, --helpOptionalNonePrint the usage instructions
--model_path, -mNecessaryNoneModel path
--root_path, -rNecessaryNoneRoot directory of the test dataset
--test_name, -tNecessaryNoneTest case name
--output_dir, -oOptionalNoneOutput directory of the test data (if not specified, a subdirectory named --test_name will be created under --root_path by default)
--save_output, -sOptionalFalseWhether to save the x86 test output results
--inputs, -iOptionalNoneRe-specify the model input nodes and shapes (optional), format example: input_1[n1,n2],input2[n3,n4],...
--outputs, -eOptionalNoneRe-specify the model output nodes and shapes (optional), format example: input_1[n1,n2],input2[n3,n4],...
--verbose, -vOptional0Enable debugging information
--count, -cOptional1Number of test cases
--shape, -fOptionalNoneThe shape corresponding to the symbolic parameter, format example: p2o.DynamicDimension.0:1
--input_names, -inOptionalNoneList of input node names
--output_names, -onOptionalNoneList of output node names

2.3 Data Construction

Taking the test_simulate_paddle_qemu function in quick_start and the above Paddle model as an example, run the following command in the development environment:

$ spine helper test --model_path resnet50/inference.onnx --root_path test_data --test_name resnet50 -r 4 -f p2o.DynamicDimension.0:1 --save_output
[INFO] create random test data under /home/workspace/test_data/resnet50/test_data_set_0 done
[INFO] create random test data under /home/workspace/test_data/resnet50/test_data_set_1 done
[INFO] create random test data under /home/workspace/test_data/resnet50/test_data_set_2 done
[INFO] create random test data under /home/workspace/test_data/resnet50/test_data_set_3 done
$ tree test_data/resnet50/
├── inference.onnx
├── test_data_set_0
│ ├── input_0.pb
│ └── output_0.pb
├── test_data_set_1
│ ├── input_0.pb
│ └── output_0.pb
├── test_data_set_2
│ ├── input_0.pb
│ └── output_0.pb
└── test_data_set_3
├── input_0.pb
└── output_0.pb
4 directories, 9 files

Note: --model_path specifies the ONNX model path, --root_path specifies the root directory of the test dataset, --test_name specifies the test case name, -r specifies the number of test cases, -f specifies the shape corresponding to the symbolic parameter, and --save_output specifies the need to save the x86 test output results.

3 Simulation Running

Taking the generated test dataset as an example:

$ spine simulate test_data/resnet50/
Models: 1
Total test cases: 4
Succeeded: 4
Not implemented: 0
Failed: 0
Stats by Operator type:
Not implemented(0):
Failed Test Cases:

Note: spine simulate encapsulates the spacemit - ort/bin/onnx_test_runner testing tool under the SDK directory. If there are standard output results in the test case directory (e.g., when constructing the test data with spine helper test, the x86 output results are saved by specifying --save_output), the spine simulate test_data command will also perform accuracy comparison on the simulation test output results of the chip side (default: relative error 1e - 5, absolute error 1e - 5). For more parameter details, please refer to the content of the 5.1.2 spine simulate section.

4 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Example: Errors or exceptions occur during simulation testing Answer: Please check whether the parameters such as the model path, the root directory of the test dataset, and the test case name are set correctly, and whether the test dataset is complete. If the problem still exists, please provide detailed error information so that we can better help you solve the problem.