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Tensorflow Lite


TensorFlow Lite is an open-source software library focused on running machine learning models on mobile and embedded devices (available at It enables on-device machine learning inference with low latency and small binary size. TensorFlow Lite also supports hardware acceleration:

  • Using the VX Delegate on i.MX 8 series.
  • Using the Ethos-U Custom Operator (deprecated) and Ethos-U Delegate on i.MX 93.

The TensorFlow Lite source code for this Yocto Linux release is available at this repository, branch lf-6.1.22_2.0.0. This repository is a fork of the mainline, and it is optimized for NXP i.MX 8 and i.MX 93 platforms. Features:

  • TensorFlow Lite v2.10.0
  • Multithreaded computation with acceleration using Arm Neon SIMD instructions on Cortex-A cores
  • Parallel computation using GPU/NPU hardware acceleration (on shader or convolution units)
  • C++ and Python API (supported Python version 3)
  • Per-tensor and Per-channel quantized models support

Running image classification example

A Yocto Linux BSP image with machine learning layer included by default contains a simple pre-installed example called ‘label_image’ usable with image classification models. The example binary file is located at:


To run the example with mobilenet model on the CPU, use the following command:

$ ./label_image -m mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite -i grace_hopper.bmp -l

The output of a successful classification on the i.MX 8MPlus SoC for the 'grace_hopper.bmp' input image is as follows:

Loaded model mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite
resolved reporter
average time: 39.271 ms
0.780392: 653 military uniform
0.105882: 907 Windsor tie
0.0156863: 458 bow tie
0.0117647: 466 bulletproof vest
0.00784314: 835 suit

Note: For floating point layers, the TensorFlow Lite uses XNNPACK delegated by default.

Running the example on the i.MX 8 platform hardware accelerator

To run the example application on the CPU without using the XNNPACK delegate, use the --use_xnnpack=false switch.

To run the example with the same model on the GPU/NPU hardware accelerator, add --external_delegate_ path=/usr/lib/ (for VX Delegate) command line argument. To differentiate between the 3D GPU and the NPU, use the USE_GPU_INFERENCE environmental variable. For example, to run the model accelerated on the NPU hardware using VX Delegate, use this command:

$ USE_GPU_INFERENCE=0 ./label_image -m mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite
-i grace_hopper.bmp -l labels.txt --external_delegate_path=/usr/lib/

The output of the NPU acceleration on the i.MX 8MPlus processor is as follows:

INFO: Loaded model mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_quant.tflite
INFO: resolved reporter
Vx delegate: allowed_cache_mode set to 0.
Vx delegate: device num set to 0.
Vx delegate: allowed_builtin_code set to 0.
Vx delegate: error_during_init set to 0.
Vx delegate: error_during_prepare set to 0.
Vx delegate: error_during_invoke set to 0.
EXTERNAL delegate created.
INFO: Applied EXTERNAL delegate.
W [HandleLayoutInfer:281]Op 162: default layout inference pass.
INFO: invoked
INFO: average time: 2.76 ms
INFO: 0.768627: 653 military uniform
INFO: 0.105882: 907 Windsor tie
INFO: 0.0196078: 458 bow tie
INFO: 0.0117647: 466 bulletproof vest
INFO: 0.00784314: 835 suit

Running the Python example

Alternatively, the example using the TensorFlow Lite interpreter-only Python API can be run. The example file is located at: /usr/bin/tensorflow-lite-2.10.0/examples To run the example using the predefined command line arguments, use the following command:

$ python3
The output should be as follows:
Warm-up time: 159.1 ms
Inference time: 156.5 ms
0.878431: military uniform
0.027451: Windsor tie
0.011765: mortarboard
0.011765: bulletproof vest
0.007843: sax

The Python example supports external delegates also. The switch --ext_delegate <PATH> and -- ext_delegate_options <EXT_DELEGATE_OPTIONS>, can be used to specify the external delegate library and optionally its arguments

$ python3  -e=/usr/lib/

Loading external delegate from /usr/lib/ with args: {}
Vx delegate: allowed_cache_mode set to 0.
Vx delegate: device num set to 0.
Vx delegate: allowed_builtin_code set to 0.
Vx delegate: error_during_init set to 0.
Vx delegate: error_during_prepare set to 0.
Vx delegate: error_during_invoke set to 0.
W [HandleLayoutInfer:281]Op 162: default layout inference pass.
Warm-up time: 2969.2 ms

Inference time: 3.1 ms

0.870588: military uniform
0.031373: Windsor tie
0.011765: mortarboard
0.007843: bow tie
0.007843: bulletproof vest

Here is
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""label_image for tflite."""

import argparse
import time

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import tflite_runtime.interpreter as tflite

def load_labels(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
return [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]

if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='image to be classified')
help='.tflite model to be executed')
help='name of file containing labels')
default=127.5, type=float,
default=127.5, type=float,
help='input standard deviation')
'--num_threads', default=None, type=int, help='number of threads')
'-e', '--ext_delegate', help='external_delegate_library path')
help='external delegate options, \
format: "option1: value1; option2: value2"')

args = parser.parse_args()

ext_delegate = None
ext_delegate_options = {}

# parse extenal delegate options
if args.ext_delegate_options is not None:
options = args.ext_delegate_options.split(';')
for o in options:
kv = o.split(':')
if (len(kv) == 2):
ext_delegate_options[kv[0].strip()] = kv[1].strip()
raise RuntimeError('Error parsing delegate option: ' + o)

# load external delegate
if args.ext_delegate is not None:
print('Loading external delegate from {} with args: {}'.format(
args.ext_delegate, ext_delegate_options))
ext_delegate = [
tflite.load_delegate(args.ext_delegate, ext_delegate_options)

interpreter = tflite.Interpreter(

input_details = interpreter.get_input_details()
output_details = interpreter.get_output_details()

# check the type of the input tensor
floating_model = input_details[0]['dtype'] == np.float32

# NxHxWxC, H:1, W:2
height = input_details[0]['shape'][1]
width = input_details[0]['shape'][2]
img =, height))

# add N dim
input_data = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)

if floating_model:
input_data = (np.float32(input_data) - args.input_mean) / args.input_std

interpreter.set_tensor(input_details[0]['index'], input_data)

# ignore the 1st invoke
startTime = time.time()
delta = time.time() - startTime
print("Warm-up time:", '%.1f' % (delta * 1000), "ms\n")

startTime = time.time()
delta = time.time() - startTime
print("Inference time:", '%.1f' % (delta * 1000), "ms\n")

output_data = interpreter.get_tensor(output_details[0]['index'])
results = np.squeeze(output_data)

top_k = results.argsort()[-5:][::-1]
labels = load_labels(args.label_file)
for i in top_k:
if floating_model:
print('{:08.6f}: {}'.format(float(results[i]), labels[i]))
print('{:08.6f}: {}'.format(float(results[i] / 255.0), labels[i]))